Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let's Play with Kids Play!

At one point or another in our lives, we create the infamous Bucket List aka The Ultimate To-Do List (of only really, really, cool things).

2x Olympian, Emily Cook on her first adventure with KPI.
Maybe it was written down on a napkin in the wee hours of the morn at a diner after a night of frivolities with your friends.  Perhaps you placed it in a special notebook that you keep in your possession at all times (you never know when you might be able to check one off!).  Or that list might still be fresh in your head, yet you're a wee bit scared of what will happen if you write it down (eek, someone might see it!).  

Leading up to my first volunteer adventure with Kids Play International to Rwanda, I found myself in repeated conversations:  "Oh how cool!  I've always wanted to go to Africa."  "Holy Canoli, your volunteer trip sounds amazing, can you bring me along in your suitcase?"  I was surprised, yet I suppose completely unsurprised at how many people have "Volunteer trip to Africa" on their Bucket List!  

Kids Play Camp in action in Gatagara, Rwanda.
Combining volunteer efforts and travel, or as I like to call it Traveling with a Purpose, is growing in popularity and opportunity.  Yet I think for many (who don't know about KPI!), it can still be a daunting task to find a non-profit organization that can lead you on your oh-so-spectacular adventure.  And just as importantly, that this foundation is something that you continue to be passionate about!  

Thank goodness you don't have to fret about this, as you're already here on KPI's website reading about what a motivating and purposeful program it is!  Phew! 

4x Olympian, Cameron Myler is all smiles here!  
I'll take a guess and a gander that you're still wondering what exactly takes place on these KPI Volunteer Trips, ya?  Let's dive a little deeper into our latest & greatest trip to Rwanda, to get a behind the scenes look at what this program is all about and the impact that it makes!  

Stay tuned for the GREAT KIDS PLAY RECAP!  (cue "The Great Escape" music)
Blog: by Jaime Komer
Photos: Special thanks to Mr. Don Cook!