Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wait, There's a Life Beyond Sports? That's Silly Talk!

We've all heard the stories about the high school athlete getting signed to a professional team, forgoing the college route, and then somehow injuring themselves so severely that they can no longer play. This is a heart wrenching moment in someone's life, when their dream of continuing their athletic journey comes to sudden stop. 

Though this unfortunate story is not too common, the choice (forced or optional) to finally stop playing a sport is one that most of us have experienced at some point in our lives. We're talking all levels, high school, college, pro, Olympic. Heck, let's even go back to AYSO.

Some of us crazy kids are so athletically driven that once we reach the point of hanging up our jersey (or goggles, suits, caps, you get the drift), we might be completely dumbfounded at the direction to take our lives. What's next?

Wait, did I just hear my parent's voice? "Education is more important than playing sports. You can't play sports for your entire life, can you?" Well, I suppose they've got a point, even Kobe Bryant will retire one day. And very few of us will be retiring with his benefits! 

What I love about Kids Play International is the simple yet ideal purpose to the program. We give children the opportunity to play sports. To learn all the life lessons we will inherently pick up when training, working with others, and competing. The clever bit (like my parent's voice in the back of my head) is that these kids who are involved with KPI are given opportunities for scholarships, to continue their education. So that they may continue to grow, beyond their love for playing sports. 

Because no matter how good we are or how much we love it, at some point in our lives it will be time to change directions and create new opportunities for ourselves. Where the heck will we go? That's for you to decide. The world is yours my friend, go get it! 

Save the Date: On September 24th, join us for Cocktails for a Cause in New York City at the 48 Lounge

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